Our family and 19 others were initiated into the new year by a devastating fire that left many in our apartment building without homes. Our family was blessed to not have lost anything, just inconvenienced by having to relocate. The management staff of our complex was very accommodating and offered all those affected by the fire temporary housing at a local hotel, as well as 3 meals a day. Each day, most of the families would gather in the hotel lobby, discussing their losses as well as plans for the future. What amazed me was that most of the individuals, some losing everything they had ever worked for and left with only the clothes on their backs, retained a very positive attitude. Here were professional business men and women, homemakers, and college students who barely had time to utter a single hello, and here we all were, talking, laughing, sharing meals and fellowship together. I was impressed at how these people from all walks of life, seemed to have things in perspective. The items lost were material and replaceable; no human lives were taken and we were thankful.
Perhaps, it is in life’s upsets, we are given the opportunity to grow, learning what we can when tragedy strikes. Yet, there may also be times when our load seems too heavy to bear. Thankfully, someone is there who we can call on in times of trouble or joy. His name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and it is only through Him that we have salvation.
Are you thankful for all you have…food, shelter, employment, and loved ones? All these are important, but without Christ in your life, all the riches in the world will not offer you eternal life.
Contributed by Melanie Schurr Dwwriter@webtv.net (Copyright (c)2005 Melanie Schurr) Melanie Schurr is author of “Ecstatic Living: A Christian marriage manual and Life-guide”, “Son Salutations” and “Daily Contemplations”, a collection of read-one-a-day modern inspirations. For more information, visit http://www.melanieschurr.com