Lord, I praise thee with my heart and soul.
My lips proclaim Your grace.
With the end times near upon us,
How I long to see your face.
This world is filled with sorrow,
Pain and heartaches by the score.
I long to be where tears don’t flow
And love reigns forevermore …
Where I can greet the saints of old
And walk on golden streets,
And the lion lies down with the lamb;
So humble and so meek.
Lord, I long for peace and comfort
That only Heaven can provide,
With Your love light shining all day through.
I see You walking by my side.
I can’t wait to reach those pearly gates
And walk on Heaven’s shore,
Where happiness and joy awaits
And time will be no-more.
This old earth will fade away,
Just like the sands of time.
But, you know Lord, I don’t really care
Because I’ll have Your hand in mine.
© 2007 by Vickie Lambdin vlambdin@bellsouth.net