A number of years ago while my husband was pastoring in Georgia, I had this question posed to me one afternoon by an adult visitor to my home. The lady in question was an emotional wreck. She kept trying to analyze why there is so much hurt and suffering in this world if there is a loving God in charge. Now, any rational person knows that you can never rationalize God. God is. That should be enough for all of us to trust Him. When Moses asked whom he should say sent him when questioned by Pharaoh, God instructed Moses to say, “I AM hath sent me”.
Hebrews 11:6 tells us that in order to please God we must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
On this particular morning, I answered the doorbell to find Meredith (not her real name) standing on my porch. When I said good morning thru the screen door and started to open it to invite her in she blurted out, “Audrey, who made God?” My quick answer was, “Why, Meredith, nobody made God.”
My visitor cut me off quickly, by exclaiming, “I just can’t believe that! There had to be something or someone behind God.”
I quickly invited her to come in and have a cup of coffee and discuss it. Now, she liked that for she thought she could get me confused enough to admit that I didn’t really know who made God.
I started by “supposing” her premise were true. I said, “Meredith, if there were someone or something that made God, then there would have to be something or someone that made the someone or something that made God.” “Yeah, that’s what I think too”, she said. “Well, if there were a something that made the something that made the something that made God, then there would have to be something…….” I saw the look in her eyes as the idea caught hold. Covering her hand with mine, I softly said, “Meredith, it all had to start somewhere so it started with God”.
Her face lit up and she confessed that when you put that way, then she could believe what God’s word said. I was able to take God’s Word that day and show her what God says we must do to be saved. I asked her to kneel with me right there in the kitchen and she asked God to come into her heart and forgive her of her sins.
She did not tell her family of what she did that morning in my kitchen. I don’t know why. However, she did begin to come to our church regularly. Before long though, her mental disease enslaved her again and she began to doubt God’s love.
Several years later, when she passed away suddenly, I was able to comfort her children with the account of the morning when their Mom met God and claimed Christ as her Saviour.
Who made God? It is not just a child’s question. When we can answer that question with confidence that God IS and always will BE then we are ready to walk with Him on this earth.
Audrey Mullen waldokeith@cox.net