Is Anybody Listening?

by | May 18, 2010 | Communication, God Speaks, Listening

James 1:19: My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak…..:

Have you ever been talking to someone and realize they are not hearing a word you say? Makes you feel so insignificant, doesn’t it? Have you ever just stopped talking right in the middle of a sentence and the person to whom you were talking didn’t even notice?

Aren’t you glad that our Heavenly Father has promised to listen when we pray? He may not give us the specific request, but “we know that he heareth us”.

Yet, God tells us that we shall not be heard for our much speaking. In other words, we just cut to the chase and tell God exactly what it is that is bothering us, or hindering us, or confusing us and He will take care of it. Prayer is just that simple. Sometimes we do not get what we think we need for we don’t KNOW God’s power and his loving kindness.

Elisha prayed to God, “Heavenly Father, open my servant’s eyes that he might see the deliverance that is ours”, and God opened his eyes and he saw the legions of angels round about them just waiting for God’s command to deliver His servants. God listened. And He answered!

Once years ago, our family was vacationing in the mountains of North Georgia. We visited the First Baptist Church there. Complete strangers to everyone there, we joined in with the song service, bible reading, etc. When the pastor rose to deliver his sermon for the day, I listened closely. I kept my eyes on his face and followed his words. After the service, the Pastor was shaking hands with the worshippers at the front door. When my family and I approached him, he shook my hand warmly and exclaimed, “I just want you to know what an inspiration you were to me today. Thank you for listening to me so attentively. Thank you for being a blessing to me”. Imagine my surprise that he had even noticed me in the congregation! How closely do you listen to your pastor? Be a blessing and show that you are listening.

The listening skills of our nation are woefully lacking. How do we get them back? Should it begin with parents who insist their children listen to their instructions, etc. then check to see that the child understood your directions?

Remember, God instructs us in the book of James to be swift to hear. A crowd should have their TV viewing shortened considerably. If that were done, I think you would find the reading scores of the younger set would improve greatly

Audrey Mullen


Is Anybody Listening?


