Assisted Living

by | May 19, 2009 | Christ-in-me, Christ-in-us, Dependency, Poem

She grew up in the church, her love and faith in God was strong.
Always walking on the right side, always hanging on.
At times she doesn’t remember her family, or what she did today;
Thank God, and bless her heart, she didn’t forget how to pray.  

When she grew up and married, and the children started to come along;
She raised them up in God The Father, hoping they would do no wrong.
What better testament than to have God on her mind, at the beginning and the end;
It is true faith in our Heavenly Father, that keeps her from going around the bend.  

She has her lucid moments, that’s when she mentions Gods’ name;
Thanking Him for saving her, when into her life He came.
Reminding her loved ones, about the things that God can do;
Just trust in the Master, and He will see you through.  

When someone’s faith is so strong……they don’t loose it at the end;
If at times their mind slips, God does not count it as a sin.
So when you see a loved one, who no longer remembers your name;
God takes pity on their souls, and on them He lays no blame.  

Yes she lives in assisted living, and her roommate is Jesus Christ;
He has assisted her…………… every single day of her life.
She may be old and feeble, and at times forgets who she is;
But Jesus will stay beside her, for she is one of His.

Pat Finn


Assisted Living


