When Will We Listen?

by | May 18, 2009 | Listening, Poem

Dear God, when shall we listen?  When shall we know
That Jesus is the only Savior, there is nowhere else to go?
We all listen to people, and all they have to say.
Can we not listen to Jesus and His word, even on Sunday?

One day, many will cry, many shall mourn what they chose.
Wake up, people of this world.  Choose God, He knows.
He knows each one’s sorrow, pain, or grief.  He can see.
Let us listen to His sweet word so, in Heaven, we shall be.

Listen to our Master and, then, read His sweet word.
It will be the sweetest story this earth has ever heard.
Let us go to the mountain’s feet, to the hills in prayer.
Let us go meet our Master, today.  He is always there.

Shall we meet Him in the growing fields, or by the trees?
‘Bout any place would do, if it’s Him we’re trying to please.
He loves us with heart and soul.  Let us love Him ,the same
When He greets us in Heaven, there, God will call our name.

He will have a place for us, as we have never seen before.
He shall stroll all over Heaven with us, then many things more.
Maybe, we will see each star He puts out to shine on earth
Or, suppose He shows us, now, to whom Mary gave birth.

© 2007 by Pearlie Duncan Walker wildfern@tx.rr.com


When Will We Listen?


