He Came, He Lived, He Saved, He Died…

by | May 20, 2008 | God's Love, Poem, Salvation

His life was so simple, but the purest of them all;
He never once faltered, when His Father gave Him the call.
Knowing why He was sent, that He would be crucified;
Jesus Christ never complained, He took it all in stride.

Like a lamb to slaughter………He was led away;
But my precious Savior arose, on this holy day.
Going home to the Father, for us He will intercede;
Through the shed blood of the Lamb, He has set us free.

It is now up to us……..to accept God’s holy Lamb;
Believing in and trusting Christ, will keep our souls from being damned.
Follow the Lamb no matter what……..keep your life on track;
He came, He lived, He saved, He died………and soon He’ll be coming back.

Pat Finn finn@mebtel.net


He Came, He Lived, He Saved, He Died…


