Out of Bad, Good

by | May 21, 2006 | Blessing, Trials

God turned into good what you meant for evil. Genesis 50:20

Recently I read of something that happened during the Tsunami relief efforts. There was woman in a town in Thailand, whose baby died in the storm. Afterwards, she came to know the Lord, and she asked one of the workers that since now she was a Christian, did he think God would help her find her baby so she could say goodbye?

He went out on a limb, and prayed for that with her. And – it was a miracle: they did find the baby. The mother was able to say goodbye to her child.

Then this woman began telling of that miracle. Eighteen people in her family came to believe in Jesus, and now so many others. Because of this, they are starting a church in that village.

So, out of tragic, horrible conditions, God can definitely bring good, As in Joseph’s case, (Gen.50) turning around to good what was meant for evil.

Perhaps you are going through something right now, and it looks hopeless, like a never-ending night. It is only the enemy, satan, who comes to rob, kill and utterly destroy. It is JESUS who has come to give you life, and life abundant – the zoe life (John 10:10).

Know that the Lord loves you, and HE has good plans for you. Ask Him to turn things around in your life. The bible tells us “the battle belongs to the Lord”. (1Samuel 17:47)

Remember, Jesus loves you and HE has good plans for you. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer.29:11)

That is good news.

Sally Ireland Kennedy is the author of “52 Little Parables from Ireland”, “Words from the Heart”, and “Irish Thursdays”. She lives in south Florida, with her husband, Ben. You can visit her website at http://www.sallyikennedy.com sallyikennedy@bellsouth.net


Out of Bad, Good


