A Very Special Book Club

by | May 22, 2005 | Bible

“Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” Declares the LORD. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.” Isaiah 66:2 (NIV)

During the past couple of months, my son has been involved in the Reading Olympics at his elementary school. For the last few weeks, I’ve enjoyed snuggling up with him each evening as he reads books filled with adventure, laughter, love, intrigue and mystery. There have been happy endings, surprise endings and even some sad, unexpected endings. But, as each book was read, I found myself enjoying not just the words that were spoken, but the feeling of a cherished closeness between my son and me as we sat on the couch for hours. Just listening to him read to me with the excitement and inflection in his voice was a real treat and one that I will always treasure.

This special time brings me back to when he was a toddler and just starting to get interested in books. I can remember reading and re-reading the same book over and over again, until the pages were worn and the cover was ripped off. As we read together, the words took us to places we’d never imagined we would go. And, there was such a sense of togetherness and joy as we spent countless hours side by side, perusing the words on the pages that came alive in our hands.

Now, just imagine, not only reading the words on a page, but inviting the author of those words to join you. You’ll hear the power behind the greatest story ever told as it unfolds before you. You’ll see the smile appear upon His face as He shares an intimate moment written just for you. Or, perhaps you’ll hear the gentle whisper when the story enters a delicate course, or feel the unbridled passion of His heart beating when an important lesson is being shared.

Picture getting lost in the amazing love that flows throughout the pages and pages of living words and know that this Author is someone very special. It is God! And, He wants nothing more than to sit with you and tell you His story of love and grace, in His own magnificent words. If you ask, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the riches that are hidden in this treasure chest of letters. You’ll find direction and hope buried within the pages and know that His Word is truth. And, as you begin a new chapter, may you snuggle up on your heavenly Father’s lap and know His blessed assurance as each sentence is read.

So, the next time you open up your Bible, ask the Author to join you and read along. He will show you the glorious works in His Word and reveal to you the wonderful victory awaiting at the end of the story. Now, that’s a happy ending!

Diane Check: calvarycheck@comcast.net


A Very Special Book Club


