Where do you go when you’ve got eye trouble? Of course, you head to an optometrist.
Many people, as age creeps upon them, deny the fact that their eyesight needs examination and repair, and stumble on through life straining their eyes to read essential communication.
Finally, though, something happens – a car accident; can’t read a menu; not able to read a cheque amount – to bring them to the reality of the situation! Off they go to be examined, listening to the eye specialist summarize their eye problem.
Amazingly, with newly prescribed glasses, the world opens up. They can see things again with incredible clarity. Driving, reading, television viewing, computer usage, their partner… all take on a new freshness and energy lost through eye trouble.
Do you have ‘I trouble’? Do you need to go to the great physician and get His diagnosis? Let me assure you, His diagnosis will bring a new vision like never before. You will see and experience things that your wildest imagination could not have dreamed!
“Let us go right in, to God himself,
with true hearts fully trusting him to receive us…
Now we can look forward to the salvation
God has promised us.
There is no longer any room for doubt…”
Hebrews 10:22, 23
TODAY, accept God’s diagnosis for ‘I trouble’… time with Him!
Bruce Wadd brucewadd@todaysthought.sharesong.org