On the first day of December, I joined the land of the living again after being almost completely housebound for the last few months due to a consolidated onslaught of several frightening illnesses all at the same time. I felt like a haircut would improve my looks at the very least and my total outlook at the most. You know, in a very unexpected way it worked, thanks be to God.
After the hair appointment, I found myself eating in my car and thinking about my mother. She loved to sit quietly outside by herself with a cup of coffee and watch kittens or little birds playing. So instead of regretting being by myself, I looked out the window expecting only to see a few crows or pigeons, if anything.
The landscaping outside my car window was beautiful, especially considering that it was Mickey Dee’s. The fast food place had taken the time to provide a place of contemplation for all of God’s creatures. Large beautiful holly bushes buffered the noise of the street. They were surrounded by bushes whose leaves turned to a blazing red color. My eyes were then drawn to a bush close to my car door. It looked sad and dead at first, because only a very few leaves and a sparse amount of red berries remained. I noticed that the very small branches were skillfully pruned into a rounded shape. The bush was not dead at all. It had lost its foliage only for a short cold season. When spring comes it will become as beautiful as the evergreens surrounding it. I was quick to realize that this was one of those insights that comes from God alone. It had His signature all over it. But I was slow to understand that the best was yet to come.
The birds were flitting in and out of the other bushes so fast that I could only catch a slight glimpse of them. As the sun began to shine fully on the scene, one little sparrow lighted upon one of the topmost of the tiny branches. It shook itself and preened as it basked in the sun. I was thrilled. Surely this is what God had intended for my encouragement today. Again, I had shortchanged God.
As I joyfully watched, God decorated that bush for my pleasure and exhortation. He carefully placed a second, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth… on and on until He had arranged a dozen of these precious masterpieces on that beautiful living shrubbery that I had so mistakenly thought was dead only a few minutes ago. I could almost see His hand as He thoughtfully positioned each puff of gray feathers in its own appointed position. What amazed me most was that though they were moving, each one stayed where it had been placed. This bare bush decorated with these small plain birds became alive and beautiful when the sunlight from above was shed on them.
What God told me was made manifest in this scene that He had arranged. Because that I had been so sick for so long with many serious problems, I had felt as dead and useless as that bush had first looked to me. Just like the bush I need a season of rest and restoration. The season of leafing and blooming will come soon but, not quite yet. This is also a time for patience and regaining strength.
Even in its bare state the bush was a useful refuge for the little birds. I had expected large ugly birds. They had not come because the tiny sharp branch ends of the pruned hedge would be like thorns to them. These branches proved a safe haven for these little birds. They could find rest in its branches, a place where they could come together in safety and unity. Even though I may not seem like much, God still has a purpose and a work for me where I am and how I am. I would have limited God to one little bird, but God made my heart abundantly glad with a dozen. I do not think the number was a coincidence. I counted and recounted them. God is definitely into details.
It truly saddens me when I have to miss church because of sickness. I feel the weakness of being out of place when the door to God’s house is open and I cannot be there. We need to be with other believers who are going through the same valleys. The Sonlight of God draws us together just like the sunlight drew these birds together. We need to derive strength and cleansing from God’s word just as the sparrows preened themselves in the sunshine. The sunlight was reflected magnificently by their unity, just as God’s light is magnified through our unity. I started the day thinking something like a haircut would help me feel better, but God provided a better way, as always. Even the hair cut part was there for a reason.
Matthew 10:29-31
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.