“They are strong believers so they think we are standing in the way of the miracle,” she said.
There it was. Another one of those phrases that jump out of a conversation and scream at me.
I sometimes think that God magnifies those words so as to get my attention.
Like the famous chef, Emeril Lagasse…”Bam!” God “Kicks it up a notch” and the words stand out.
So how many times have you stood in the way of the miracle?
I do it all the time. I pray and pray for God’s help and then, I get in the way. How? Maybe I’m asking for one thing and He answers me with other plans.
I can’t see it as a miracle, an answer, simply because it wasn’t what I asked for.
From the very beginning I would rather have had my wife’s cancer simply disappear.
I asked for it.
Still, she had to have the operation.
God answered my prayers by putting her in the hands of compassionate, knowledgeable surgeons. That was His miracle, my miracle.
I could have gotten in the way of the miracle and fought the idea of surgery.
Some time ago I wanted to open a center to hold classes locally. I prayed daily for God to give me a sign that it was okay.
Every night I stood on my deck and prayed out loud.
“God, if this is meant to be, give me a sign. Send a shooting star for me to see.”
I waited…nothing.
After several days I changed my prayer because I wasn’t seeing the star.
“God, you are right. Don’t waste a star on me. But give me another obvious sign.”
Finally, the night before I was to sign a lease on a building I prayed to God.
“God, I have asked for a shooting star as a sign that this would be a great thing for me to do. Then realizing that I never wanted you to waste a star on me, I prayed for another sign…anything. Both times you did nothing. God tomorrow I am going to sign a lease on a building to open the center. Please bless it anyway.”
It failed.
I lost money.
I got in the way of the miracle.
What miracle?
I asked for a sign and he didn’t give me one. He answered my prayer. I didn’t see the miracle in that. I got in the way and did it any way.
I mentioned to you recently about my son Keith and his wife trying to have a child. Because of cancer at 18 and chemo treatments, he would not be able to have children unless he made arrangements before the therapy. He did.
They have tried four times and now only have a few opportunities left.
He was told today that “in vitro” has to be the next step.
He is such a positive believer. He is such a faith filled man. Every time he called to tell me that the last procedure failed, he cried. But he always ended it by saying he believed that the next one would be the one.
“Why would God have placed that in my heart at 18?”
And so he continued to believe.
The determination that “in vitro” is the only option now, has set his heart low to the ground.
And yet, he isn’t getting in the way of the miracle.
“I’ve been calling around to see about getting a loan. I need $8,200,” he said.
“You know we will give you money, Keith,” I told him.
“No, this is ours to do,” he said.
He’ll do it. I know him. He raised several thousand dollars for the Hershey Medical Center where he was treated because he had to “Give something back,” he said.
I’ll help him later. I won’t let him get a loan. But I won’t get in the way of the miracle.
But I owe him. I have to give something back for all the love, all the years and for being Marianne’s inspiration in her cancer battle.
My new prayer tonight:
“Okay, God. Give me a sign if you know this “in vitro” procedure will work. $8,200 each time is a lot of money. No shooting stars. No burning bushes. Just let me know if he should do it. Oh…ummmm…well… Keith’s going to do it, you know. I know you’ll understand it when I say…Like father, like son! Bless it any way. I promise I won’t get “In the way.”
Bob Perks Bob@BobPerks.com