I’ve always heard people say that everything happens for a reason. I’ve had to question this statement many times in my life and yet there are other times……
Today a little boy walked into my shop. Blond, blue eyes, about 8-years-old. I asked if I could help him and he said no, he just wanted to look around. He walked out a few minutes later. I went back to my candy making.
I heard the door slam and walked into the showroom and there was the little boy with his father. “No wonder he wanted me to come in here” said the dad, “This is chocolate heaven.” I laughed and asked if there was anything in particular he was looking for and he said he wanted some homemade brittle. I was ringing up his items and his sons when he happened to notice three boxes sitting on my floor. He bent down, saw the customs paper on them, and said, “You’re shipping these boxes to Iraq?” “Yes,” I told him. He then told me he worked for UPS and he wished we could use his company. I told him that was impossible without a street address, and he nodded.
When I handed him his bag with his purchases, he said, “I’m a minister from Huntsville. Those boxes just reminded me of one of my parishioners who is having a really hard time now.” And then he told me the story of a mother whose son was on his second deployment in Iraq and how he died less than two weeks later after arriving in Baghdad.
He looked at me and said, “I don’t know what to say to these parents. I try and find words of comfort and I just don’t think anything I can say is going to help them feel better.”
I reached for one of my angel cards off the counter and said, “Here, give this to them, and tell them there are others who understand their pain, and there is help.” He looked at the card, then up at me and said, “Your son?” (Andy’s photo is on the business card) I nodded yes. He told me he wanted to get some cards made and keep them just in case this sort of thing ever comes up again. And then he reached over and hugged his little boy and said, “I can’t imagine……I just can’t imagine.. ….you know…..losing him……he’s all we’ve got.” I nodded my head that I understood.
After he walked away, telling me he’d be back again…….I thought about how many people have walked into my shop and either told me a story, or I just know by looking at them, that they are a bereaved parent. How many people were meant to be inside that little shop at the time they were? Do you suppose God helped them walk through the door? I do.
God Bless, Sharon Bryant 1946@bellsouth.com
About Me:
I am Sharon Bryant. I am almost 58 years old and I reside in Alabama. I’m originally from Michigan but have lived in the south for eleven years now. I have always loved to write since grade school and had hopes years ago of one day writing professionally. I never dreamed I’d write about the things I do today. I lost my child in 1977 when he was five years old and I write articles on bereavement, poetry, and now have a website for bereaved parents and online support to help those who have to walk the road that’ I’ve had to walk.
I am a chocolate/candy maker and have my own chocolate shop in a historic state park. I am also a wood crafter and knitter.
I like to read, play scrabble, cook, work with my scroll saw, paint, and create crafts for my shop. I really love working with chocolate and creating truffles, and all kinds of candy.
I write for 2theheart, Storytime Tapestry, Angels on Earth, Warm Fuzzy Stories, Hugs From the Heart, Illustrator, and my own online support called Whispers of the Heart.
I am married to a wonderful man, and have two remaining children, a daughter 25, Amy, and a second son, Randy, age 22.
My main goal in life is to help those who have lost a child. The road is long and hard, and it is my hopes that through writing, I may be able to help someone who is hurting from this tragedy.