Who am I? What’ll I do?
I’m going to die, and I know that’s true
There’s so little time, I realize
To try and find the meaning of life
So what is the purpose, what is the plan?
Show me the reason help me understand
Is there a God? Then why can’t I hear you?
Is there a reason I want to be near you?
Is there a reason for hurt and pain?
Can there be love in a world gone insane?
Can there be hope where all hope is lost?
How can I find it? What does it cost?
Where can I turn when there’s no-one to turn to?
Is there a way that life can be made new?
Is there someone who can show me the Way
Show me the Truth, teach me how to pray?
Someone who’s seen it, been there and won
Someone to believe in, like God’s only son
If you are there and your story is true
Jesus your the only ONE to turn to
Cause you’ve overcome and you’ve showed us the way
To eternal life and eternal peace
And through your life You can make life new
Help me end the strife, help me turn to you…
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? (1Jo 5:4-5 KJV)
John vogel jvogel2000@yahoo.com