The Intersection

by | May 26, 2002 | Choices, Example, Provision

A friend had reached a “T” intersection in her life. Events had closed in around her and a manor choice was looming. She could not continue straight ahead any longer, it was a case of turning left or turning right and making final decisions.

Good friends advised her to turn right and equally good friends advised her to turn left. Today common sense said right; tomorrow common sense said left.

When I caught up with her, she was a bundle of nerves, bewilderment and indecision. Her health was suffering, her confidence was shaken.

“I’m not getting any directions,” she confided and I knew she meant God did not have His indicators blinking.

She wanted to serve God in her choice and she wanted an assurance that the choice she made would be ‘on course.’

We criticized the options and we resolved nothing. God was not giving assurances.

Even John the Baptist, and there was none greater, asked for a blinker. “Am I on course believing You and the One or would I be on course to look for another?” And the only blinker the Baptist got was ‘God is on course.’

God is on course. And the end result is what He always planned – eternal life, gift wrapped. He has not planned anything else for you.

Of course, if you choose then you can run red lights but that is your decision, not God’s and He won’t obstruct you. You have free choice.

But He has made provision for you to make peaceful, confident choices because the final outcome does not depend on you. It depends on God’s being on course. And He is, Luke 24:27, ‘beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.’

He follows the Script.

Elizabeth Price, Team Writer with Just A Minute


The Intersection


