He Was NOT My Lord…

by | May 28, 2001 | Lord, Surrender

When I visited Jim Bakker in prison, he shared with me how the heat of prison had caused him to experience a complete change of heart. He experienced Jesus as the Master for the first time. He shared how he had lost his family, ministry, everything he owned, and then found Jesus.

I remember his words distinctly: “John, this prison is not God’s judgment on my life but His mercy. I believe if I had continued on the path I was on, I would have ended up in hell!”

Then Jim Bakker shared this warning for all of us: “John, I always loved Jesus, yet He was not my Lord, and there are millions of Americans just like me!” Jim loved the image of Jesus that had been revealed to him. His love had been immature for it lacked the fear of the Lord. Today Jim Bakker is a man who fears God. When I asked him what he would do when he got out of prison, he quickly replied, “If I go back to the way I was, I will be judged!”

Excerpted from The Fear of the Lord by John Bevere, Charisma House 1997, p. 78. Www.charismahouse.com  Used with permission.


He Was NOT My Lord…


