Someone Is Waiting

by | May 29, 2000 | Great Commission, Poem, Salvation, Witnessing

Someone is waiting for you to knock on their door
Someone needs Jesus and that is what we are here for  

To go into  the highways and hedges and find them for sure
They need Jesus and are waiting for you  

To reach out and win them to our Jesus this day
Win them for Him that is what He has to say  

Bring them in to our church and train them to know
More about Jesus and our love for each one will show
It is all about Jesus, is the reason we go  

Someone is waiting for that knock on the door
He is speaking to you, so please don’t ignore  

Ask Him to deliver you from all of your fears
You will feel his presence as you go near

Someone is waiting for you
To introduce them to Jesus this year

Someone is waiting for you and only you to knock on their door
God is calling to you to go and win
This lost soul from the pit of sin  

You  are all that He has to attend
So go-  
reach-win-train and send  

May God bless  you as you knock on the door  

Sarah Berthelson 2004   Dedicated to my pastor Dr. Ray Newcomb Pastor First Baptist Church, Millington, Tn.itness


Someone Is Waiting


