His Eye Is on the Sparrow

by | Jun 4, 1999 | Presence

When you leave a house vacant for almost two years you never know what you will find when you come back home. The yard left to others does not get fed and cared for like the owners would do. The scrubs, trees and bushes grow up beyond desired heights. Weeds take over in the flower garden and bird feeders remain empty.

Before we left, the birds frequented my array of feeders. They had learned to scurry when Missy our dog was let out in the yard. We provided them front and back yard bird baths. They sang their tunes and provided me a source of entertainment. I bought books, identified and kept a list of those who visited our yard. I studied their habits and even tried to mock their calls and songs. I didn’t fool many I might add. They just cocked their heads and peered at me as if to say, “Who does she think she is fooling.”

While in Arizona I had bird feeders and bird baths as well, but not the array of colorful birds that visited my yard in Illinois. Yet, I continued to be entertained by them. The humming birds especially were exciting to watch as they loved to feed from our Pomegranate tree. But I still missed the Cardinals, Blue Jay, Black-Capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, Robin, Flickers, Mourning Doves and various finches and other species.

At our home in Illinois I had planned and planted trees and bushes and shrubberies to accommodate our feathered friends. I read about the flowers and seeds they preferred and bought accordingly. I purchased and my husband planted when it got to the point my MS prevented me from crawling around on my hands and knees. The feeders where constructed to discourage squirrels from joining at mealtime. I truly missed my back yard haven and bird sanctuary.

Illinois along with trees galore and birds in abundance called us to return. Would the birds have moved on to better feeding grounds? Would the generations of doves who had made their home with us have given up and found another local? I wondered if the flowers I had provided were still blooming or had weeds taken over. What would we find?

After almost two years we returned back to the home that had awaited us. The house and the yard showed signs of being unloved. The birdfeeders left behind were empty. Hanging from a trellis on the deck was a white plastic flower pot, its beautiful flowers long ago having died away. Instead of flowers to greet us a mother Mourning Dove and her two nearly grown babies welcomed us home. She kept her eyes open watching us; leaving only long enough to bring food back to the nest. Were we her old friends or new enemies you could almost hear her wonder? Was the dog a friend or foe?

Another discovery was made. There in the eaves of the Gazebo was a nest belonging to a mother Robin. She was a bit more leery of us. We dared not bother her or her nest. We wanted her to know she was safe to raise her young at our place.

Though we had been away it seems the birds had continued to prosper and play. Not only play but survive and multiply. Now that we’re back, their songs greet me each morning and the Baby Doves have now flown the nest.

I live with MS on a daily bases and sometimes worry about what tomorrow may hold. When I think about the future I am reminded of that old Christian song that tells me, His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches me. I know that God doth provide whatever my needs. When I see a bird fly I know I am able to rise above my afflictions for God has me under His wings. I know whatever befalls me, God will supply my needs. For unlike a house without owners to make it a home, my Father will never leave me or forsake me. I know God will be at my side. He is an Awesome God who too enjoys hearing us sing His praises.

The birds like we may be abandoned by humans but God will never abandon us. God like the birds will always be there. If we leave him behind He will always be waiting our return singing His Praises when we return.

Betty King baking2@charter.net


His Eye Is on the Sparrow


