Don’t Give Up, I’m Coming!

by | Jun 9, 1998 | Deliverance, Persistence, Vigilance

A young Christian was relating some of his experiences in the Great War. With a company of his comrades he was separated from the main body of troops. Surrounded by the enemy for days, their food ran out and their water was exhausted.

Knowing they were without food and water, the enemy sent a messenger every little while, suggesting that they would be wise to surrender.

One night, with no food and no water and with only one shell left, they held a consultation as to what steps to take next. They decided to pray to God for His help, then to fire their last shell into the night as a signal to their comrades. After the shell had exploded, the only thing to do was to wait. In the morning they heard the hum of a motor overhead. It was a plane from their own headquarters. Flying over the surrounded boys, it dropped packages of food and canteens of water. On one of the packages was a note,

“Don’t give up. We are coming.”

For some days the planes passed overhead and the bread and water were dropped down, always accompanied with the message, “Hold on.” Then there was the roaring of artillery and the march of infantry, and the lost battalion was rescued and taken back to their own lines safely.

We, too, are surrounded by the enemy. When we are in a tight place, he whispers, “Better surrender. Why not give up? It is hopeless to fight on.”

But when the devil says, “Surrender,” God sends along a message of hope, “Don’t give up, I’m coming.”

By C. L. Paddock, Signs of the Times, August 10, 1937. With permission from Dale Galusha


Don’t Give Up, I’m Coming!


