A clock in an Edinburgh church steeple was striking nine when three young men passed on their way to a place of sin. Suddenly one of them stopped and said, “I can not go with you.” And when they pressed him for a reason, he said, “When I left my home in the hill country, my old mother said, ‘My son, you are going into a wicked city, but your old father and I will pray for you every night, and at nine o’clock we will be on our knees.’ They are praying for me now and I can not go.”
He turned about, sought his room, cried out to God for mercy, and was saved. He is today one of the leading merchants in Edinburgh. Decision of character was the means of his salvation.
By Dr. Chapman, Signs of the Times, July 15, 1908. With permission from Dale Galusha dalgal@pacificpress.com