As any parent can tell you, when your child has a high fever, it is frightening, especially when it will not come down. The last thing in the world any parent wants to do is put the sick child in a cool bath to take their temperature down. I remember many times, running the bath, starting out with a lukewarm water, and gradually adding cooler water for a child who is already shivering we make them even more uncomfortable sitting in cold water. One thing that happened when my kids had to take this “polar plunge,” was their dad would roll up his pant legs and sit on the edge of the tub with his legs in the cool water. He would comfort them and try to keep them in the needed cool bath until the fever came down. When they saw their dad in the water with them, a calmness would come over them as he gently pours water on their hot little bodies from his cupped hand. Finally, their temp would come down and this little body would cool and be ready to be put back into bed.
So, he sent Jesus to roll up his pant legs and step into our unwelcoming world. He suffered what we suffered and enjoyed what we enjoy. The boy, Jesus, grimaced with a belly ache but smiled over the newness of a puppy. He understood temptation, he knew what it was like to get angry. Jesus celebrated weddings and grieved at funerals. He had a mom and an earthly father; Jesus had siblings and all that come with family life. I’m sure he had aunts that kissed him when he didn’t want them to and uncles who wrestled with him. He got splinters in his fingers from the carpenter shop and occasionally, I’m sure, he hit his finger with the hammer. Willingly, He came to our world knowing that he would have to suffer die for our sins, but he did it because of his love for us. Coming as a mere man so we could see the love of the father, our Savior endured the cold, cruel cross for our sakes.
“God so loved the world he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 ESV)
My kids have grown up now, so Larry doesn’t need to sit knee deep in cold water, but many times I know he and I wish that life could be as simple as it was then. As parents, we still want to climb into our kid’s world and cheer them on. As much as we would love to bring them comfort, nothing could compare to seeing the Savior Jesus Christ roll up his pant legs and sit down to comfort His children in their distress as only He can.
Jeanie Nihiser
Volunteer and Prayer Warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)