Below are just a few of the many praise reports that are coming in as a result of prayer warriors holding up one another in prayer! Answers2Prayer warriors are happy to hold your needs up before the throne of grace as well! Send us your prayer requests via:
What’sApp: +91 98696 68137
Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter as her due date is 24th still no sign of pain . Doctor says baby is in good condition . you admit by 25th night and let’s start to induce pain . she said since child is fully grown lets induce pain and get the baby out. So please pray for us let it be natural and normal delivery.
Praise Report: Praise God . My daughter gave birth a Girl child 26th 11.30pm both of them healthy. Thank you and all prayer warriors . God made it a normal delivery.Praise God
Prayer Request:
This is Sherwin. I am requesting your urgent and fervent prayers regarding my dad Mr. PC Thomas & my pastor Mr. Biju Thomas.
Both have been jailed since 16th December 2021 in central jail Satna, MP, based on false cases lodged by the police based on complaints by Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. They had attacked our church on a regular sunday worship on 31st October 2021 and filed these false cases using the Anti Conversion Law of Madhya Pradesh.
It is freezing cold here (4℃) and my dad is 70yrs old and a hypertension patient. The pastor too is a hypertension patient. Its hard seeing them in jail. The pastor has a wife and 3 little daughters who are expectantly waiting for him to return.
Tomorrow, 21 Dec 2021, is our bail hearing. Please pray that God grants divine wisdom to the judge and grants us a desired judgement. God Bless You.
The next day this was sent in: “The bail has been rejected”
Praise Report:
Pas P.C Thomas & Bro Biju Thomas has been released on bail in Satna.. Our advocates from ADF secured their release.
Praises to God!
Prayer Request:
Please ask the pray warriors to join me in prayer for my nephew in France, he fell and dislocated his shoulder and fractured the clavicle. He will have surgery tomorrow. Pray for prompt recovery and the surgery goes without problems as he has a delicate heart, a malformation he was born with resulting in only half of the heart working. Many thanks and God bless.
Praise Report: My nephew had surgery this morning. Aside from having to place a catheter in his thie to stabilize his blood pressure, He is awake and everything went well. Glory to our faithful and loving God.
Prayer Request: I have a prayer request for Liliana a 92 year old who just fell and broke her hip. She is also suffering from a cancer that is eating away at her nose..a terrible thing because she will be unable to breathe. Please pray for her and her husband who cannot be with her at the hospital because of covid rules.
First Praise Report: Liliana agreed to operate her hip and will be operated tomorrow morning.
Second Praise Report: Praise report for Liliana’s operation! All went well and she will come back to be with her husband this week..thank you all for your prayers!
Prayer Request: Please pray for grandson JT. He is a method addict and hasn’t been seen or heard from in 4 days. We all are worried he overdosed. He is homeless and no one knows for sure where he is living so we can’t have the police do a wellness check. We are praying he finally decided to go to rehab and can’t use his phone.
JT has been found alive. He just called me. He has been sick since Monday and feels better enough today to look at his phone. Thank you for praying. But please don’t stop. He needs delivered from meth before he does overdose. God bless you all.