Dancing in the Darkness

by | Dec 5, 2020 | Praise, Trials

Psalm 43:5 “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God.” NIV

The other evening, my daughter hurried into the house from a meeting. She was calling to me, to come quickly and look. Getting up and going out onto the front stoop to see what was happening, I experienced the Northern Lights, for the first time since moving to the north, eleven years ago. They were truly magnificent as they dancing and rippled across the velvet sky: Pinks and blues, whites and green leaping and twirling like living things. What a marvelous and unexpected spectacle, especially as it was early in the evening and normally this light show saves itself for long after most people are in bed.

This wondrous display reminded me of how so often amidst dark times of the soul, we meet God in the most unexpected and marvelous ways.

Many years ago I went through a very dark time. It was a time when even the smallest chores were overwhelming. Being around other people was almost unbearable. It was as if I had lost myself and didn’t know how to proceed through my day, much less have any plans or hopes for the future. Amidst this time however my saving grace was provided by the Lord through music. I would listen, through ear phones, to quiet contemplative hymns and choruses. As the beauty and the truth of this music, based upon Scripture, rippled and dancing softly through my mind, I found peace and new hope. I met God in a whole new way, just when I thought He had abandoned me to the icy grip of depression and hopelessness.

Today, you may be going through a cold and dreary time, a time of darkness within, a time when you wonder if you will ever be yourself again. If so, don’t give up. God is with you in your darkness and you too will, when you least expect it, find yourself *dancing in the dark* for He is the One who can be counted on to turn the darkness of our night into the glorious light of His day.

Prayer: Wondrous Lord and Father in Heaven, thank You that in You there is no darkness and that You are always with us amidst our own dark and dreary times bringing the light of Your love. Prepare our hearts and minds and souls for dancing in the dark with You that we might praise You, our Saviour and God. In Christ’s name we ask. Amen.

Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.


Dancing in the Darkness


