I watched as teenagers donned the glasses and attempted to walk. None were successful. They bumped into chairs, bruised shins and some almost fell. They couldn’t walk because they were drunk-or at least felt they were.
We had enlisted a local law enforcement officer to fit our teens with “drunky goggles” to teach them the dangers of driving drunk. And it worked. Not a single one-even those who imagined themselves invincible and exceptions to the norm, passed the test.
The man Jesus healed probably encountered a few obstacles himself. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam….” So the man went and washed, and came home seeing (John 9:7).
Jesus’ project was born blind. He had never seen the Pool of Siloam or anything else. Nor was he healed before he washed in it. With mud caked eyes, he stumbled and crashed until he finally plunged into healing. When he finished removing the mud, his obstacles weren’t obstacles anymore.
Jesus doesn’t promise our faith journey will be void of crashes, bumps, scrapes and stumbles. There may even be times when we can’t see at all. But taking steps of faith anyway is essential. God promises to work all things together for our good and his purposes; he doesn’t even waste the bumps. He’ll never allow us to slip and fall permanently but will pick us up, secure our feet on a solid rock and mold us into something we weren’t before. More importantly, what we thought were obstacles when we couldn’t see now transform themselves into opportunities now that we can.
Trust God to lead you around obstacles you can’t see and to heal the scrapes from those you’ve bumped into.
Prayer: Thank You merciful Lord for healing our hurts and empowering us to take the next step of faith.