The Stamp

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Power

Philippians 2:9-11 “Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place, and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father…” NIV I was watching a program recently where the power of the name of Jesus was the topic. As I listened I thought about the postoffice in the store where I work. People come in all day long with letters and parcels to be mailed. Those letters and packages don’t go on to their destinations however until they bear the appropriate postage stamp of the land.

Likewise when we, as God’s people, send our prayers heavenward, we need the stamp of His eternal kingdom; the stamp of the name of Jesus. Our prayers on their own carry no power. Through the power of the shed blood of Christ and His name however they are carried straight to the throne of God and answered according to His good and perfect will. They arrive in the imperfection of our words and thoughts but as they pass through Christ they are perfected by His wisdom and love.

In today’s world, awe and reverence for God seem to be fading away more and more, even within our church communities. We have become very familiar with God in our ways, but God is still God and He not only deserves but requires our worship and part of worship is awe and reverence. Christ laid down His life for us, His precious blood was shed and He rose again from the dead therefore God exalted Him to the highest place, and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

So may we remember as we pray, to invoke spiritual power in the name of Jesus who has paid our postage in full through His work on the cross, now and forevermore.

Father God thank You for the power which You have bestowed in the name of Jesus. Remind us Lord, day by day, like Peter, at the Gate Beautiful, to have faith in that wonderful name as we lift our voices to You in both private and public prayer and witness. In Christ’s name we ask. Amen. Acts 3:6

Lynne Phipps


The Stamp


