by | Apr 10, 2020 | Deliverance, Temptation

My family bought me a Personal Video Recorder, a PVR, for Christmas. And I find that I am using it a lot. The PVR allows me to record television programs and watch them at a later date. It’s really great if something I want to watch is on while I am out, or is playing at the same time I want to view another program of equal interest. One of the things I enjoy most about the PVR however is that it lets me fast forward through the commercials. And I do hate commercials, so much so that I have often not finished watching a program, as I get so fed up with them I turn it off. So now that I have the PVR I do a lot of fast forwarding.

As I was doing just that, the other evening, I considered how the study and memorization of God’s word, or the recording of it within our minds, allows us to do some fast forwarding as well.

In the book of James 1:12-14 we read: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.” NIV When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for forty days, He always responded to the evil one’s temptation with the word of God, the Scriptures. And each time He did so; the temptation fell flat and came to naught. Jesus was able to fast forward through the campaign of Satan’s ads because He knew, trusted, relied upon and used the power of His Father’s word to reveal lies from truth.

Likewise when we do the same, we too are able to power through, as quickly as possible, the temptations in life that could otherwise bring us everything from discomfort, pain and humiliation to the loss of the purpose or goals which God has called us to as His children. The story of Samson and Delilah in Judges 16 reveals how temptation, not rebuked by the word of God, sadly led one man to his doom.

So the next time you’re watching television and the commercials begin, take a moment and reflect how in life we have a choice. We can listen to and even be drawn into Satan’s campaign of lies, directed against the Word of God, as he seeks to interrupt our daily living, or by using the word of God to discern the truth, we can fast forward through temptation as quickly as possible and get on with the real program of Godly life.

Prayer: Father God, thank you that you never tempt us to do evil. And that amidst temptation which does come to each of us in this life, You have provided a way for us to escape, to fast forward through it as quickly as possible, through the power of Your word. Therefore, may each of us choose to study and memorize the Scriptures that we may trust and rely upon them and to stand persevering amidst each and every trial which comes our way. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.




