I don’t remember ever writing a devotional on pain and suffering before, but now, I am suffering pain, so I have thought and prayed about it and looked up certain verses in the Bible. There are very few verses that speak about pain — just four, actually — but then, I looked up “suffering”, and God spoke to me. Are you suffering, too? Is it a normal problem with the human body? Why does God let us suffer?
Hebrews 12:13 – “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled but rather healed. (NIV)
As I have started using a walker, this verse speaks to me about all those friends who have helped me, making level paths for my feet. It is much more dangerous trying to walk through snow and ice, as we have had here this winter. As the Word says in verse 12, we have discovered that through faith we need “to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees”.
I have learned that much can be understood about enduring pain when we read of how Christ gives us inner joy. The apostle Paul states it clearly:
Romans 8:18 – I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (NIV)
We overcome pain and suffering as we experience His inner joy. Through suffering, we grow in grace as “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26 NIV). Yes, we learn more from suffering pain than we do from listening to a sermon. I know that for years, I was in my pulpit hurting greatly from pain resulting from a broken hip, but God carried me through and spoke to the congregation as I shared with them, going beyond my pain and weakness.
So, what is God saying to us as we suffer pain? He will be assuring us that help is nigh. Without His Holy Spirit strengthening us, we would be undone, unable to cope. But in our weakness, we learn that as we invite Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit is strengthening us. We get up and face each day praying for the Lord’s help. Let us pray now, together.
Prayer: Dear Lord, You suffered greatly on the cross as they tore Your body apart, giving You a great amount of pain and suffering. We believe in Your resurrection and in eternal life with You. Your power can set us all free from the pain of life here on earth. We join You, O Lord, sharing Your presence today with great joy and gladness. Thank You for promising to welcome us into Your eternal home. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Iris Ford Parksville, British Columbia, Canada
Thanks to PresbyCan Daily Devotional