Listening to That Small Voice

by | Apr 27, 2019 | Conscience, Holy Spirit, Poem

I live in a Senior Citizen’s complex. One day the electricity went off in my apartment, but not the other apartments. I advised the Resident Manager, and she and another resident came to see what the problem was. They found that the breaker on the outside of the building was off and turned it back on. It was a Friday and the Maintenance men were working someplace else. My electricity was working so they felt no need to call them to come right away. On Sunday, I found out that it was the water heater that was causing the problem.

During the early morning hours on Monday I woke up and noted that the electricity was off again. I didn’t know what to do. If I turned it back on and there was something wrong it could maybe cause a fire or something else. I called the Resident Manager and she came and turned it back on outside and then flipped the switch for the water heater off in the breaker box in my bedroom. She called the maintenance man later in the a.m. and let me know they would be there at 8:30 a.m.

Now, I had a problem. How was I going to get washed up and dressed before they got there? The thought came to my mind to warm some water up on the stove, but I decided I would just get dressed. The thought came to me again to warm up some water on the stove, so I decided to do it. While that was warming I could eat my breakfast. In the middle of eating I figured the water should be boiling so went to check, but it wasn’t. It kinda puzzled me, but I went back and finished breakfast. When I checked it again the water was cold. I thought that the Resident Manager must have flipped the wrong switch off accidentally or had turned both the water heater and the stove off. I got in the box and looked, but could see only one flipped off. I called the Manager and told her. She was flabbergasted. She said that the breaker box must have been marked wrong when they built the complex and that the young man would have thought that the switch was flipped off for the water heater and would have just gotten right in there and started pulling the live wires off. She said that he would have been electrocuted. They were told the circumstances and they checked it out and changed the markings for the switches to indicate the right appliance and replaced the water heater.

I told the young man about how I wasn’t going to heat the water on the stove, but was impressed again to do it. I told him that God knew they were hooked up wrong when they were put in there. I told him that God saved his life.

I am so glad that I listened when God impressed me to heat that water. If I hadn’t I would have had to see a very young man die in my apartment. I would have had to live with the thought that I hadn’t listened when God had impressed me to do something and what the outcome was. How many times have I not listened when I was impressed to do something that will have eternal consequences? Someday I will find out what happened and what could have happened.


It you but knew what this day would bring,
You’d choose to live it all for your Heavenly King.
So why not trust in Him to lead you all the way,

You will be glad you did at the ending of each day.

By Norma Wellman


Listening to That Small Voice


