I have three young children, two boys and one girl and every Easter I take three plastic eggs, two blue and one pink and put inside two hand-written notes. The first note is a prize, something like ‘I will take you to a movie’, the second is a special note from dad or mom.
This year it was late Saturday as I was preparing the eggs. I was distracted by many events, such as work issues, what to wear for church, helping my wife get her outfit ready, finally I rushed the eggs to the backyard and hid them.
Easter morning our children went to the backyard to search for the eggs. I looked with horror when I saw I had forgotten to put the notes in my daughter’s egg. How could I rectify this?
Already the two boys were running in the house with their eggs, smiling and happy. My daughter Followed on their heels with tears streaming down her cheeks…..
I felt terrible….
“Daddy, daddy look…my egg is empty, just like the tomb. He is Risen!!!” She said with tears of joy.
BJ Cassady bj.cassady@af-group.com