The Tattoo

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Compassion, God's Love

Isaiah 49:15-16 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” NIV

Brent was laying on the carpet playing with his best dog buddy Hoss when he suddenly called my name in a frantic voice. Lynne, Lynne come and look. Come and look at what somebody has done. As I was standing a short distance away at the kitchen counter I looked over and asked what the problem was. With quite a horrified look on his little five year old face he announced that someone had written in Hoss’s ear.

What Brent had discovered was Hoss’s Canadian Kennel Club Tattoo. I explained to him that the writing was actually a tattoo with a special number which only Hoss had. The tattoo showed who Hoss belonged to and it identified him as my dog, so if anyone stole him, or he became lost the tattoo would help us find him and get him home safely.

One day all Christians will go home to their Lord and when we do we will see for ourselves the tattoo of the nail prints on the hands of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. When Christ died for the sin of all mankind, his everlasting, ever faithful compassion and love for each and every single human being, past, present and future was engraved on the palms of his hands.

Right now we may have days when we feel that we are alone and that no one loves or cares about us. Everyone has forgotten us. At such times we must remember that what we are feeling is exactly that-a feeling-and feelings are not facts. According to these scriptures and the tattoo upon the palms of Christ’s hands, God cannot forget us, not now, not ever. The walls of our lives are always before him and his compassion for our human frailty never ends.

Fact or feeling, which one will we choose to place our faith in today?

Prayer: Father God thank you that we are never lost or forgotten in your sight. Thank you for your everlasting compassion and kindness. Bless us this day with faith to choose fact over feeling and as we do so may your peace that passes all understanding encourage our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, BC


The Tattoo


