Jesus Prepares the Way

by | May 7, 2016 | God's Plans, Guidance

1 Corinthians 2:9-10a – No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him — but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. (NIV)

Whenever God does something amazing, it is usually a wonderful surprise, with no one thinking of it beforehand. I had such a faith experience just lately, and I am still marveling at Jesus’ preparations. It was the day of my return to see the doctor after a week in hospital. I had terribly high blood pressure, climbing higher from worry and “white coat syndrome”. Not being able to take drugs any more, as I am sensitive to most drugs, I dreaded the visit. While resting prior to the dreaded hour, I was praying — and there it was in my mind, coming up from my soul: Ask the Lord to be there in the doctor’s office, preparing the way ahead.

I sat there, and my doctor said, “Why not try getting a patch or cream from the compounding pharmacy?” Surprise! No one had suggested that before. Now I am on a skin cream to control my blood pressure. Seeing as God set this up, I expect that it will work with no negative reaction. Thank You, Lord!

Have you ever been absolutely stumped, not knowing what to do next, hoping and praying that God would help you out of your muddle, but then, something wonderful happens? Now, looking back, can you see through the eyes of faith how Jesus prepared the way ahead for you? I know we all have faith that God does prepare the way, but can you look back and see the steps? How did God move to help you?

We usually read today’s verses from 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 from the perspective of our journey into eternity, but Jesus also prepares the steps for each day if we let Him. He works ahead around every corner, where we can’t see, preparing the next steps. Because of what happened to me, I now know how powerful are the divine actions working ahead of me.

Dear friends in Christ, if we expect God to prepare the way before us, He will. We will be taken by surprise, for a whole new approach is ahead of us. Not only is God faithful, but He is also very good at His job, preparing the way ahead for His children.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord. It is wonderful to have You laying out the path ahead. We trust Your preparations for this day, and we follow expectantly, for Your way never fails. Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we failed to follow Your directions and went our own way. Now today, we look ahead with calm confidence. You are very good at guiding us and preparing the way ahead for Your children. We commit this day and the road ahead to You and look forward to the wonderful surprises as we follow Your hand beckoning us forward with trust and expectant joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Iris Ford
Parksville, British Columbia, Canada


Jesus Prepares the Way


