The Magnolia tree is always attractive, for it is deciduous, never losing its glossy green leaves. It displays its most magnificent splendor, however, when its flowers are in full bloom. A couple of months ago I took a closer look at this tree. The flower buds were in tight coils- just waiting to unfold. It would take a little more warm weather and sunlight before this happens.
A person starts out like the Magnolia bud- tight- and into himself. However, when the loving warmth of our savior, Jesus Christ, and His glorious lights invade the heart, there is a change. He will open us up in a beautiful manner, just as the Magnolia bud will do.
The bud is so tight- all wrapped up in itself. When it develops, the beauty it has kept from others will emerge. The same is true of a person. Without God each one is self centered- drawing tightly into himself. With Christ, he unfolds, ready to give, share and love in the same way that God has done for him.
In 2 Corinthians 8 the apostle Paul addresses the subject of how generous giving glorifies the Lord. In chapter 9 he discusses a cheerful giver and how, when Christ truly enters our heart, He gives us the correct desire and attitude about giving.
Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the unfolding Magnolia blossom. May our hearts be open enough to Christ that our giving of time, talent and finances reflect Him, and all He gave for us..
Marion Smith