Rereading the Word

by | May 12, 2014 | Bible, Worship

I have an illustration that exemplifies how many of us like to treat God’s Word. I am sure that you have at least one computer sitting in your home. If not, you probably have a basic understanding of how a computer works. The hardware is nothing more than the platform upon which some very sophisticated software programs will run. The real brilliance is in the software. A programmer sits down and writes incredible volumes of code in order to produce a product that you and I will eventually buy at some retail outlet.

However, before this product makes it to the shelf, it goes through an elaborate packaging process. Inside the package, there is usually a pretty healthy size manual. You see, the original writer of the program knew that we would not be able to figure it all out, so he or she provided a manual. Well, if you are anything like me, you don’t need to read the instructions. You can figure out how the first 5 to 10 percent of the program works.

In my case, my manual often ends up somewhere on the top shelf of my office right next to my Bible. Until one day, I decide to go a little deeper. I attempt a new command and find myself staring at a blue screen covered with error messages.

What’s the first thing I do? I call for technical support. After listening to elevator music for what seems to be an endless length of time, a voice finally answers and our conversation goes something like this:

“Hello, Mr. D’Acchioli. How may I help you?” “Well, I’m using this program and it just isn’t doing what I am asking.”

“Well what is it doing, sir?”

” I am asking it to perform a, b, c and it is responding with x, y, z.”

“Sir, do you happen to have your manual handy?”

“Yes, hang on a second, and I will pull it down from my bookshelf.”

“Okay, now turn to page 974. Do you see the illustration at the top of the page? Is that what your computer is doing?”

“Yes, that is exactly what is happening.”

“Do you see the instructions just below that diagram?”


” If you follow the instructions provided right below that illustration, you will avoid having this problem again.”

In other words-if you do this, that won’t happen. Feeling rather silly, I quickly thank the technician and hang up the phone. But not before hearing the technician respond, “You are welcome Mr. D’Acchioli. Thank you for calling and have a wonderful day.” I am sure that was not what he wanted to say …

Do you know what? You also have been manufactured. Just like that computer program, someone wrote your code and knows how every part of your program is supposed to work. Then He plopped you down on planet earth and sent along a manual. That’s right, your Bible. God knew that you and I needed more information. But if you are like most people, you don’t read that manual. You know how the first 5 to 10 percent of your program works. Most of us are pretty good at figuring out the basic stuff that seems to work in life. Things are looking fine when, all of a sudden, something goes wrong. Your program isn’t working like you thought your marriage is falling apart. What’s the first thing you do? You call the technical support department, in this case a pastor or counselor at your church.

“Pastor, something is wrong-there is no way that God gave me that man or that woman-there must be a mistake.”

Your pastor responds, “Do you have your manual?”


“You know, your Bible.”

After digging out the dust-covered Bible, you are asked to turn to Ephesians, the fifth chapter. Fumbling to remember if that was in the Old or New Testament, you finally get there. Once the pastor has guided you to a full understanding of the passage he suggests, “If you do that-your marriage will no longer be a struggle,” or better yet, “If you do this, that won’t happen.”

After thanking your pastor for his time, you hear him reply,

“I appreciate your coming to me for help-glad to be there for you-now go and have a nice day.” But, that’s not what he wanted to say …

The Bible says in Psalm 119:105, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” What is that verse suggesting? Literally, a lamp to my feet means that it will illuminate my steps every day-one step at a time. We won’t be tripping over the minefields of life.

But then there is an even greater promise. The second half of that verse says a light for my path. That means not only will the Word illuminate my daily walk, but it will shine a bright light on where I am headed. Want to know why you may be having a hard time discovering the light at the end of your tunnel? I ask you, could it be that you are not in the Word?

Now I understand that reading the Word can be challenging. There have been many times where I have sat down to read two or three chapters in the Bible, and just a few minutes later I cannot remember what I just read. Then there are times when my mind is just too scattered to absorb anything. There are just too many distractions. A friend of mine once warned me, “Don’t let the enemy come in and rob you of the truth.” He will get you thinking, “Why do I bother reading the Word? I don’t get anything out of it.” Read it anyway!

I am reminded of an old computer saying, “Garbage in-garbage out.” We must ask ourselves the question, “What are we putting in?” It only makes sense that what we sow we shall eventually reap, and what we put in will eventually come out. Have you ever had a Scripture verse come to mind that you didn’t even remember read-ing? Read and it will penetrate! Persist and you will reap the benefit!

D’Acchioli, Vince. Wired to Work! Huntington House Publishers: Lafayette, 2001, p. 37-40.


Rereading the Word


