It Dawned on Me

by | May 12, 2014 | Promise

I find a lesson in everything. Particularly my mistakes. If you know me, you would then realize that I am continuously learning because I make so many mistakes.

This lesson comes at the first light of dawn.

Every morning, just as the sun is even beginning to think about rising, my dog, Phil wakes me up.

Every morning.

At first I thought it was when the news papers were delivered. But I’ve been awake at that hour and Phil doesn’t move.

Then I thought it was when one of the neighbors left for work. He works for the state and has one of those trucks with the back up warning sound. For the life of me I can’t figure why he doesn’t back up the drive when he comes home, so he doesn’t have to back down the drive early in the morning.

No, Phil sleeps through that, too.

He wakes up at the first call of the birds.

As soon as he hears one bird chirp, he is up.

That somehow even applies to times when all the windows are shut in our bedroom and the air conditioner is running.


So, what the lesson here?

Faith. Phil responds because he knows if the birds are awake it must time.

The birds respond on to a promise.

When God created them He made a promise that the sun will always rise and He will provide them with all they need for that day.

The exact same promise He made you.

How often have you not responded to the promise?

Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.

If you awaken to darkness, sing. For He has made YOU a promise.

Bob Perks


It Dawned on Me


