The fog is hanging low, tonight,
Outside my window sill.
Though it looks bleak and wearisome,
My heart is singing, still …
Because I know the Lord is with me,
No matter what the weather.
We’ll still be walking hand in hand;
Just Him and me together.
Through the rain, the sleet and snow,
No matter what befalls me;
I see His face,
I hear His voice Speaking softly as He calls me.
“My child don’t fear, for I am here.
I’m just a prayer away.
I know your every thought and deed,
And I listen when you pray.
So, don’t think, for just one minute,
That I will leave you or forsake you.
My heart is strong and lingers on,
With a love so pure and true.”
John 14:18″I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.”
© 2009 by Vickie Lambdin