Alluring temptations await the salmon when it returns to its breeding ground. A clever salmon should be able to spot the metal hook poking through a wriggling earthworm.
“Who do they think I am? I am not stupid. I’ll find my food elsewhere, with no strings attached to it!”
Nets are a bit harder to avoid, but if the salmon takes its time to look for shadows from above, it should know that something was going on.
“I am out of here! It looks fishy (or should I say humany?) to me!”
The natives in Alaska used to spend their summers fishing at the seacoast. They would catch enough fish food (not fish flakes for fish, but fish meat for human consumption) in just a few weeks. How did they succeed in catching that much fish so fast? Simply. They built stone weirs. As the tide was coming in, so did the salmon. Even a clever salmon would have a hard time spotting something being unusual, as stones is part of its natural environment.
When the tide was retreating though, the salmon would realize too late the sneaky and ingenious ambush. All of a sudden it found itself in shallow water and a stone wall hindered it to join its companions at the deep end. The natives would come down so fast on such fish and no matter how hard the salmon fought for its life, it would find itself in a basket and would await either to be dried up (not a bright future for a fish!) or conserved in fat (a bit too suffocating to my taste!).
Temptation does never pay off! Ask the caught salmon, if you don’t believe me.
In life as well, some of us are able to avoid obvious temptations. No way I would go to a casino or in a city’s red zone. However the subtle temptations are quite a different question. Unawaringly we fall into its trap and before we know it, we are hooked. The only way to avoid such traps is to depend solely on Jesus. He can and will keep us victorious!
1 Cor 10:13 “No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.”
If per chance you are caught into the deadly web of temptation, Jesus is also the One who can set you free. Call out to Him and trust Him. He will set you free. Guaranteed!
John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.” The Message
Have you seen that wriggly worm lately? Doesn’t it look so appetizing?
P. S. If you need help being set free from a certain addiction, feel free to contact us. We are here to help you out.
Rob Chaffart