Out of Control

by | May 24, 2003 | Discipline

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. John 15:1

My husband loves working in the yard. The rose bed on the side of the house is one of his projects. After several weeks of neglect, he went out this morning and found the bed in disarray.

The bushes were out of control. Some of the stems were taller than the windows. Leaves were chewed up from bugs and spotted with black mildew fungus. The worst was the buds were small, few, and malformed. That’s not too good, since the whole purpose of the bushes is the flowers.

He got busy cutting them way back. Then he sprayed for insects, fertilized, and mulched the bed. It looks great now. Soon we’ll have beautiful, large roses to cut for the kitchen table. He will have to go back before long, however, if the bushes are to stay in good shape.

When left to my own devices, how quickly I get out of control. I go in all kinds of directions, lose my calm and get “buggy”. The worst is the ‘fruit’, or what is produced, is small and unhealthy.

How wonderful I have Someone to prune and discipline me, so that large, beautiful roses will be the result. Now, all I have to do is let Him.

Sally I. Kennedy, author of “Words from the Heart” and “52 Little Parables from Ireland” (Creation House Press) ©2005 http://www.sallyikennedy.comsallyikennedy@bellsouth.net


Out of Control


