The New Lease

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Confidence, Dependency, Strength

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

(Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)

In May five new members of our family arrived. Five baby pygmy goats tumbled out of their travelling crates and into our corral. As they did so we all wondered how Agnes our ancient, eleven-year-old goat would react to these rambunctious kids. Eleven for a goat is like ninety for a human.

To our delight Agnes stepped up to the plate. The kids recognized her, as one of their own, as she tentatively walked over to inspect them. From there on in she became their new mother. They now follow her everywhere looking to her for guidance and respecting the boundaries she sets for them. During rest periods the babies troop into the goat house and lay on the far side, while Agnes lays down on the entrance side to protect them. She bends the young Poplar trees down so they can munch the succulent leaves. She has not only risen to this unexpected challenge in her advanced years but by so doing she has found a new lease on life as she busily and energetically cares for her foster children.

God has a habit of calling people into situations at the most unexpected times, just as we called Agnes into one. Situations that challenge them to take up new responsibilities which they feel ill equipped to handle for any number of reasons.

Sarah, Abraham, Elizabeth and Zechariah were all called to parent children at an advanced age. Mary was called to accept the Son of God into her womb though she was a virgin and Joseph her fiancé to be father to this child who was not his own. Elderly Moses was commissioned to lead a nation from slavery to an unknown land. Gideon, who was from the smallest clan in Israel and the weakest of his family was named commander of a very small army to defeat the Midianites, a ferocious mighty enemy. However, when Gideon questioned God, the Lord turned to him and said: Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?

The Lord’s response says it all. Go in the strength you have. Take what you do have and go. Why? Because I am sending you and if God is sending us, we can each be assured that as we offer up to Him the strength we do have, He will ensure that it is enough for us to not only be successful but also to unexpectedly find a brand-new lease on life. After all, look at how things turned out for Sarah, Abraham, Elizabeth, Zechariah, Moses, Gideon and so many other Biblical heroes who trusted, obeyed and went.

Prayer: Thank You Father that when You call us to go. We can proceed in confidence and strength knowing that You go with us. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps


The New Lease


