Standing Strong

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Deliverance, Victory

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

(Galatians 5:1 ESV)

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”

(James 1:12 ESV)

Have you ever noticed how trees will sway in the wind? If trees have a strong root system, not much will cause them to fall. But if a tree doesn’t have strong roots, any little wind will blow them over.

There’s a song called, “I Shall Not Be Moved”. Here is the chorus:

“I shall not be,
I shall not be moved.
I shall not be,
I shall not be moved.
Just like a tree that’s planted by the water,
Lord, I shall not be moved.”

I Shall Not Be Moved by Maya Angelou

People are like trees. If you have a strong foundation in the Lord, not much of anything will bring you down. But if you are, for lack of a better word, wishy washy, not able to stand strong in the face of adversity, you will crumble and fall. But if you fill yourself with the word of God, you will be more able to stand strong when the devil comes prowling around. And He will.

The devil doesn’t want you searching for God. He doesn’t want you to have anything to do with God. The devil will try to take you down anyway he can. I have been attacked by him so much I don’t pay much attention to him anymore. I know my masters voice and I know the devils voice. I prefer God’s voice. But the devil still tries to derail me a dozen times a day. But I know his ways and I know how to sidestep him.

I have learned that I have authority to make him quit. But occasionally he won’t no matter what. But I stand strong against him. Those are the times I ask Jesus to take care of it. And He does. Then things quiet down for awhile.

So if you don’t think you are strong enough to withstand the storms, think again. God has this. Let Him work it out.

Have a blessed day.

Kathy Keller
Writer and Prayer warrior with Answers2Prayer Ministries
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Standing Strong


