I’m going to come clean. Recently, I published a novel—a work of fiction that took me several years to write. This was a labour of love and by God’s grace, a life-long dream fulfilled. As my book neared its publication date, I began to stew. Why you ask? Well, I’m pleased that you did!
I wrote this story to prove to myself that a life-long ‘non-writer’ could author a book. I worked hard and taught myself to craft narrative one paragraph at a time. I prayed frequently over this saga and came to believe that God had a purpose in gifting me to write a 588-page adventure. Then, I worried some more.
“How would my book do?” I pondered. “What if I get poor reviews, or someone tells me my writing is ground-level bad?” In retrospect, I believe that anyone who launches a book out into the world suffers from what I call, ‘book acceptance phobia!’ Now, here is where things get interesting.
One evening following my book’s release—my wife and I watched a Christian based movie. As my eyes absorbed the pictures on the screen, my brain pondered my novel. In short order, I single-handedly convinced myself that nobody would like my story and that I had no business publishing it. As an author, this negative mindset is not a good hole to slide into!
Near the movie’s end, a troubled man was about to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. I love scenes of redemption and yes, I get emotional! As he yielded to the Savior’s Call and gloomy book-related thoughts clouded my thinking—my cell phone received a text message. Blessedly, the timely correspondence was a hugely encouraging message from a reader who let me know how much he was enjoying my book and that it was causing him sleep deprivation, but in a good way.
Already emotional from the movie, God’s impeccable timing pushed me to tears. He knew the precise moment I needed a perfectly timed ‘God-wink’, a divine reminder that my heavenly Father is constantly involved in every aspect of my life, and yes, yours! You and I are more valuable to God than all the treasure on planet earth! Even the hairs on our head are counted, and we are not to wallow in fear!
“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31 NLT)
In a nutshell, God is with you. It doesn’t matter your predicament, your worries or fears. Trust in Jesus to be ever present and keenly interested in your life. ALL OF IT! You never know when and where he might show up! His timing is ALWAYS perfect!
Paul Smyth