1 Chronicles 16:34 “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” ESV
Leviticus 19:34 “You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as a native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” ESV
Our son is now unemployed and homeless. Ironically, his belongings are safely housed in a storage unit. A recent university graduate with big dreams and empty pockets, he was facing one of life’s crossroads: return home or stay put. Security verses Opportunity. The scenic university town had captured his heart and so he courageously chose to stay put and try to find his place in this world; a scary venture indeed. Building on a foundation of good friends in a good community, he’ll make a go of it. After a week of packing his things up and hauling them off to storage, we hugged him goodbye, and left him standing alone to face his uncertain future. He will undoubtedly move many times more in his lifetime, but for now he has found a place to call home.
Moving is a part of life. We move around for school, for work, for love, or solely for change sake. Sometimes we move by choice, and sometimes we are swept away by circumstances beyond our control. The bible is full of stories about God’s people moving from place to place. Adam and Eve were evicted and moved out of the Garden of Eden. As an infant, Moses first move took place alone, in a reed basket on the river. Moses last move was taken with a mass of people and lasted for 40 years in the dessert. Abraham moved many times during his lifetime: His first move took place while he was still living with his father. His next move was at God’s instruction. And one move was under armed escort. God’s people move about for all sorts of reasons.
We should be seeking God’s direction for all aspects of our lives including where, when, or whether to make a move at all. However, sometimes circumstances beyond our control thrust us into our new environments. In the end, no matter where we move to or what possessions we take with us, God will use us wherever we are planted. It isn’t the things we acquire, or the spaces we inhabit that make a home; it is love. If home truly is where the heart is, then home can be wherever we are if God’s love is its foundation. Whether we move to a mansion or a prison cell, an apartment or a shelter, with family or on our own, we have all that we really need if we have given our lives to Christ. For our heavenly Father, who loves us deeply, is always at our side. With His love in our hearts we unwittingly become His ambassadors, carrying the fragrance of His love with us wherever we go. So, the next time life’s circumstances demand a move. Don’t fret, but boldly and joyfully go to the place that needs to experience the sweet fragrance of God’s love, and stink the place up!
2 Corinthians 2:14 “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” ESV
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for infusing us with your love. May we boldly and joyfully spread the sweet fragrance of your love to others as we move through this day. Refresh and restore those who are downtrodden and burdened by the cares of this world. Wrap your loving arms around those who are in need of your loving touch today. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Marci Maxwell
London, Ontario, Canada