God’s Transforming Power

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Power, Sanctification, Spiritual Growth

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (KJV)

Romans 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (KJV)

Jack Patrick was just one of the usual tough, uncouth, young boys of our rough neighbourhood. Like the rest of us, he had a command of bad language and his share of bad habits. But Jesus found him and the change was quite evident. He became a different person.

The war had just ended and surplus Harley Davidson motorbikes went on sale for a mere forty-five pounds. Jack bought one, but the throttle grip on the right handlebar was too loose to accelerate the motor. One of the local denizens came to light with the suggestion that a short length of bicycle tube be threaded over the handle. The piece of tube proved very difficult to shift over the Harley’s handle. But Jack persevered and the job was done. However, the grease that was applied to make the tubing slide, split the tube along its seam, and it peeled off and fell onto the ground. The Jack of by-gone days would have spent prolonged moments in a volley of maledictions, but instead, he lifted his face to the heavens and sang, “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul!” This was to the amazement of many onlookers. “Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” (1 John 3:1b KJV)

How patient we should be with everyone around us, since we do not know the changes that God knows of. Should we not wait and see how our youth might surprise us? It is God who directs. I shall ever treasure the elation of seeing my students mature through the years to take up their responsibilities in later years.

Prayer: Gracious Father, keep ever fresh in our minds the wondrous thought that You have a perfect plan for all Your sons and daughters. May we never forget that all living souls, be they ever so righteous or vile, are Your work in progress. Amen.

Anton Stander

Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada


God’s Transforming Power


