Loop DE Loop

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Hope, Protection

1 Thessalonians 5:8 “But since we belong to the day, let us be self controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” NIV

Frank was enjoying his gallop along the winding road every bit as much as we were. The evening sparkled and hosted just enough breeze to deter the bugs and bring refreshment from the heat of the day.

As we approached our friend’s property we decided to stop in for a chin wag and cuppa. Pulling Frank to a trot we wound our way along their path. Reaching the short but steep hill that rested just above their garden I slowed Frank to a walk and carefully guided him down the incline, directing him to the left around a small stand of trees. And then it happened.

The metal frame of the pony cart snapped and began to fold in half. The shafts yanked Frank up in his harness. The seat of the vehicle tipped forward as the floor sank beneath my feet. The right side of the conveyance came off the ground. This is when my daughter leapt out to avoid being thrown onto the horse. Startled, Frank leapt forward and I was catapulted into the air.

I loop de looped through space with the greatest of ease, the landing however proved differently. Smacking hard I bounced numerous times before my head connected with a tree bringing a sudden halt.

The next day as I examined my helmet I was stunned to see the number of scuffs, scrapes and scratches all over it not just at the point of final impact. I had no idea that my head had hit the ground that many times as I was madly bouncing along. Once again I thanked God for the wisdom he gave me to buy and wear a good riding helmet. Without it my loop de loop might have ended very differently.

In today’s scripture the apostle Paul talks about another type of helmet: the helmet of salvation which is hope. Without hope people die. They become discouraged, they fail, they give up. But where there is hope there is life.

Salvation in Christ Jesus offers each and every person eternal hope, life abundant and free. Through the power of forgiveness it relieves us from the burden of sin, past present and future. It promises us an eternal place in heaven with our Lord where there will be no more tears or sorrow or pain. It re-establishes our relationship with God our Father and empowers us to live good and noble lives on this earth, blessing Him, ourselves and others. For the hope of salvation, much like a helmet has the power to protect our minds from the loop de loops of the assaults this world sends our way: disappointment, failure, heartache, sickness the short-lived pleasure of sin.

So today and every day, as God’s beloved children, let us be wise. Let us choose to protect our minds and spirits by donning the hope of our salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer: Father God in your mercy and love grant us daily wisdom to don the hope of our salvation, as a helmet, against the loop de loops of assault this present life catapults our way. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, B.C.


Loop DE Loop


