To Russia With Love

by | Apr 17, 2020 | God's Love, Guidance

About two years ago, in February, 2012, God called me to go to Russia on a mission trip. I have several illnesses (rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Ménière’s disease) so when I received the phone call to serve, I had quite a long chat with God about my going to Russia … in February, no less. My first reaction was: “Are You sure, God? Me? Russia? In February? With my body like it is?” After the initial shock of the thought of really cold weather, I began praying and seeking God about whether that was really what He wanted me to do. I’ve been a Christian for many years and have always wanted to serve God whenever and wherever He leads me, so as I earnestly sought Him, I received confirmation about three weeks later while reading my personal devotions. I was told by the leader of the mission trip that if I felt the call to serve, I should ask God to give me a confirming Scripture. A friend of mine also was asked to go, and she received her confirming Scripture the same day that we were asked to go. It seemed as if every Scripture I read fit, but in each case, I questioned whether in fact that was my confirming Scripture. As I kept doing my daily devotions, I read these verses:

2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work. (NET)

Immediately, I knew that that was my confirming Scripture. My heart became warm, and I felt a precious love for the Russian people to whom I would be ministering. There was no question in my mind that this was my confirming Scripture. These verses let me know, without any doubt, that God would equip me mentally and physically with everything I needed to complete His good work, and prepare me in every way to go “to Russia with love”. What a precious Scripture that was to me! I leaned heavily on this Scripture every step of the way in preparing for the trip physically, spiritually, and financially. What a glorious time this mission trip was!

When I met the team of 35 women (most of whom I had never met before), I immediately bonded with each of them. I felt as if I had known them all my life! As we prepared to minister to the Russian women and orphans, I truly felt the servant’s heart of each lady. Not only did we serve God, but we all served each other and the people with whom we came in contact. What a precious time of fellowshipping with each other and our newly-met Russian family of God! Only eternity will tell us all that was accomplished on that trip.

As Christians committed to serve God, we can trust that He will guide us as to what He wants us to do and equip us physically, financially, and spiritually, so that when He calls us, we can say, “Yes, Lord!”

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us Your Word to guide and direct us in every task that You place before us. We pray that You will help us to accept Your call. Thank You for giving us the strength to do all that You ask of us. Please use us how You see best. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Gloria Coffey

Princeton, West Virginia, USA


To Russia With Love


