Isaiah 40:31 – But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (KJV)
Have you ever felt like a bird, flying through the air with the wings of an eagle, so strong, so fast, so high? As I look out of my front window, I can see an “eagle tree”, stretching up so tall that it stands out alone. It usually has an eagle perched on top. This tree is far in the distance, but it attracts my attention. Would life have been better if we were eagles?
Sometimes I wish that I could fly as high as an eagle, and with good cause: eagles can fly above a storm. Eagles fly at great heights, flung upward by massive winds, soaring above it all. Picture it — flying above a storm! So it is with us. With God’s help, as we wait on Him, we can mount up with wings as eagles, and fly above the storm! We are helped by the storm’s currents to escape the buffeting and fly above all the stressful commotions of this life. That sounds good to me.
I can remember one particularly sad day for me. I was crushed. Sitting in my car, the hurt overwhelmed me, and I felt so alone. I don’t cry very easily, but tears came that day, and I cried out to the Lord. The storms of life are hard to endure, for they hurt us, not only physically, but also spiritually. We can feel so alone and afraid. When a loved one leaves home in anger, vowing never to return, it can hurt down real deep. When a business partner acts dishonestly and raids the office safe, it is a disappointment that can change a person’s life. O Lord, where is Your love when we are hurting?
Jesus brings us good news! We can turn our hurts, our thoughts, our very souls towards the Lord and wait on Him. He is with us. In the quietness, we feel our souls refreshed and lifted high above it all. It won’t be long before we can fly high above the hurt, soaring with joyful abandon above it all.
The Lord has promised never to leave us, never to forsake us. We read those encouraging words in Matthew 28:20, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV) Jesus’ acceptance and love are so wonderfully healing that our souls are set free, and we are encouraged to try again. We are free of the burden of what happened. We can fly high, ever higher like an eagle, high above life’s turmoil and pain. God’s love is with us as we wait on the Lord patiently. His words encourage us. Each storm strengthens our faith, for it is God’s promise that, as we wait on Him, we mount up like the eagle above the storms of life. We can face today.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, our lives have many experiences of the pain of separation, the evil of humankind, the loss of dignity, and the cruelty of death while here on earth. Because You experienced every pain, everything a human being can feel, it must have hurt You way down deep. Yet, trusting in God our Father, like You, we can also say, “Be it unto me according to Your will”, and fly above the storms of evil and death. Now today, O Lord, we pray that You may find in us the faith that is worthy of Your trust. As we commit to You what is worrying us in this life, we fly high in Your love with joyful abandon. Thank You, O Lord. Amen.
Iris Ford
Parksville, British Columbia, Canada
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(To access the entire “Waiting on the Lord” devotional series, please click here.)