You came to this world
With a mission in mind;
To die and then be resurrected
A sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.
Not as a warrior or majestic king did you come;
But as a humble and meek carpenter’s son;
Despised, rejected, wounded and beaten and hung on a cross
Then when all looked lost, You had the victory won.
Your death on that tree
Left Your followers forlorn;
But when You rose from the dead three days later
It meant by Your Spirit they would be reborn.
Your name in Hebrew is Yeshua,
Which means salvation I know;
You came to save that which was lost
And release humanity from eternal woe.
We speak of missions
As they relate to war;
But Your mission was not for conflict or condemnation
But instead to open captives freedom’s door.
The first time You came
You were humble and meek;
But when You return
Evil will fear and shelter seek.
Love and compassion
Is Your character trait;
When one follows You and Your ways
Assurance is given to enter heaven’s gate.
So come dear Jesus
Come quickly from above;
Let Your Spirit fill us in the meantime
With Your peace, comfort and most all Your love.
Encourage us to persevere
Through our trials and sinful condition;
Give us Your strength, courage and wisdom
That we too would represent You on Your Man/God mission.
Ilan Mann