Heard My Plea

by | Jun 4, 1999 | Poem, Salvation

I was clinging to a raft in a shark infested sea.
Badly beaten by the waves, I could see no way to free.
As the sun parched my lips, thirst riddled me.
A brutal wind dried my tender tissue, no way to flee.

I was drifting in circles, completely lost without a compass direction.
Whether I was going east, west, north, or south, no sure selection.
All around me the waters were parting, lending imperfection.
Without a clue or any way of safe detection.

I encountered many insects feeding on my blood of life.
Severe pain was clutching me, a rending knife.
Here I was on a sea of peril, only strife.
Looking ahead me, wondering if I would hear death’s fife.

Walking on the water, a silhouette was treading the largest wave.
I thought was a ghost from a watery grave.
Around him shown a brilliant rainbow, a brilliant light gave.
Set free, my Savior heard my plea, coming to save.

Dorothy E. Scott poetry99@txol.net
Copyrighted 2001
Changing Winds Of Brendaw

Dorothy Scott – My name is Poet Dorothy E. Scott I have been writing since five years old. I have a deep love for the Lord. He’s been my copilot for a long while. I am a compassionate poet. I write poetry for all who need it. I currently have 52 books in seven years. I am a sick poet but know God is there and faith. Some of my work is used at an online magazine “Chrysalis.” I have my own poetry corner in a magazine Almshouse Newsmagazine. I will soon be featured on www.edevo.com  as a poet too.  Poetry is a gift from God and for God. God Bless You!  Poet Dorothy


Heard My Plea


