The Great Commission

by | Jun 9, 1998 | Great Commission

There is an old legend that takes us back in time and recounts the time when Jesus slips back into heaven after He had died on the cross and rose from the dead. According to the legend, the angel Gabriel met him. Gabriel frowned when he saw the marks of Jesus’ scars of His tortuous years on earth, especially the scars of His crucifixion.

Gabriel said: “Master, you suffered terribly for those down on earth.”

“Yes, I did,” was Jesus’ reply.

Gabriel continued: “Do they all know now about your live and your forgiveness? Have they all heard about your death and resurrection?”

“No, not yet.” Said Jesus. “Right now only a handful knows. Only a handful of people in Palestine know about my death and resurrection.”

Gabriel looked perplexed. “Then”, he asked, “Euh… How will everyone find out about your wonderful life and your sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection?”

“I have asked Peter, James, John and a handful of friends and followers to tell other people about it. And when other people hear and believe, they in turn will tell others. And Gabriel, by and by, the planet earth will hear the message.”

Still frowning, the angel responded: “But, hmmm, you know how people are on earth. What if they… What if Peter, James and John get tired? What is they tell the story and then the next generation gets all involved in other pursuits? What if way down in the 18th or 20th century, people aren’t committed any longer to your commission? Have you made other plans?”

The Lamb of God looked directly at the angel of God and said: “I have not made any other plans. I am counting on them.”

As heard from Chuck Swindoll


The Great Commission


