Your Mirror

Praying for Success

"Then he prayed, 'O Lord, God of my master Abraham, give me success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.'" - Genesis 24:12In 1956, Ken Taylor, a graduate of Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, was the director of Moody Press. During this time, his...

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In the eyes of the world I am not seen as much of a success. I have a tiny house not a mansion. I don’t wear fancy clothes. I don’t own an expensive car, or a plane, or a yacht. My bank account is always empty at the end of the month. I am not a CEO of a corporation....

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My words are not mine most days. They just appear in my mind, on my computer screen or on paper and I share them. I sat in a meeting recently listening to others around me speak about all the challenges in life. The group was made up of men and women of various...

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Success at ALL Costs

The story is told of a man named Yussif, the Terrible Turk. Yussif was a 350-pound wrestling champion in Europe a couple of generations ago. After he won the European championship, he sailed to America to wrestle our champ, whose name was Strangler Lewis -- a little...

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