Once ... God knelt down before man, with angels all around; The Father humbled Himself, as He knelt there on the ground. His' hands covered in dust, as He worked it into clay; Molding a man with love, in the dust where he lay. Knowing someday that man, would from...
We humans have a tendency to feel superior. I remember being barely fourteen years old when the first Superman movie came out. During the intermission I noticed two youngsters staring at me and pointing with their fingers: "Look!" They whispered. "Superman!"All of a...
I’d rather be a servant in my Father’s house, than a ruler in Satan’s domain;I would never hand over my eternal soul for the world's riches and fame.How can anyone ever prefer what Satan has to offer;I want to be caught up when Christ comes back to collect His sons...
Matthew 25:23 - His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness." (NIV)I was stationed at the Canadian Navy base in Scotland, waiting...
Gerd Muller? Does it ring a bell? With national record of 68 goals in 62 international appearances, this German footballer was aptly nicknamed the ‘Bomber’. He is one of the very few players of 50 or more caps to score more goals than the games he has played.What made...
Christmas Eve, 1941: Sergeant Sidney Stewart was preparing American troops to leave Manila to fight the Japanese in Bataan. Working late in his office, he looked up to find a white-robed Catholic priest at his door. Stewart, a Protestant boy from Oklahoma, did not...
(Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9)In early May 2003, a cloud descended on Cannon Mountain near Franconia Notch, New Hampshire. Near the top of the mountain, obscured in the cloud, was a rock formation that had become the state symbol for New Hampshire, because in profile,...